
Attorney Robert Botnick’s Response to the George Floyd Protests

George Floyd Protests

For the past week, I have watched in awe, fear, admiration, and frustration at the demonstrations and ensuing chaos that have filled our airwaves and news feeds of people from all walks of life declaring “Enough is Enough” and the varying responses by law enforcement. As a former prosecutor and now criminal defense attorney, I have seen first-hand the way our justice system treats people differently due to their race. While working for clients to obtain the best possible outcomes of their cases, I have seen “White Privilege” in action where white defendants have been afforded incredible breaks, where had they been black or not of means, there is no way in the world they would have ended up with such luck.

It is clear that the system is rigged. This is not to say that every cop, prosecutor, judge, or stakeholder in the system has an inherit bias against POC – far from it. But it is clear that over the generations, the stakeholders have become complacent with “that’s just how it is.” How many times have I heard that our justice system “isn’t a perfect system, but it’s the best one there is”? Does Ford or Apple make a product and say, well, that’s the best one there is? No, they are constantly looking for ways to improve their products to meet customer demand and need. Our Justice System – the Courts, Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, and Defense Bar – all need to look for ways to improve our system to meet the public’s DEMAND and NEED.

While these demonstrations continue in the wake of the recent senseless losses of life to George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmad Aubrey, and rekindles the memories of Tamir Rice and Trayvon Martin, The Botnick Law Firm will be offering its services, FOR FREE, to anyone arrested in Northeast Ohio for exercising their First Amendment Rights at these protests. We will never standby idly while bearing witness to the despair in our communities; that is why we are standing up for what is right and will always fight for you.

#StandUp #WeWantJustice #BlackLivesMatter #JusticeforGeorgeFloyd


Author Bio

Botnick Law Firm

Robert Botnick is CEO and Managing Partner of Botnick Law Firm, a criminal defense law firm in Cleveland, OH. With over 19 years of experience in criminal law, he has zealously represented clients in a wide range of legal matters, including DUIs, misdemeanors, felonies, domestic violence, and other criminal charges.

Robert received his Juris Doctor from Cleveland-Marshall College of Law at Cleveland State University and is a member of the Ohio State Bar Association. He has received numerous accolades for his work, including the Best DUI Lawyers in Cleveland award by

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